Every heard of Phoetry? Okay, I'll tell you what it is.

Phoetry is a blend of Photography and Poetry. 

One good way to travel down memory lane is to have a good picture in front of you. It just has this way if dishing you old smells, feelings come trailing back, then there is the tears pouring down like waterfalls though salty this time. 

Black and white does that magic of playing the story over again in the mind. Its even more beautiful with emotions truly captured than those fake smiles in posed in front of a camera man.

Without much ado, we bring you that proposal to go search your photo album that best captures your down moments. We desire to share in your memory.

Poems are going to be penned by Martins Deep with special cover arts by me and published on my literary blog.

* Ladies only!
* Pictures must be fine black and white
* Pictures must be real snap shots 
of participants.
* Participants are entitled to one picture each.
* Owners of selected  pictures will be notified via inbox to share briefly the story behind the pictures 
* Selected poems will be posted on here i.e one pic poem daily.

Note: Gate of submission offer shuts by 9PM 16th June, 2018.

Let's tell your story flavoured with F A I T H and H O P E!

Let's put a S M I L E on your face the little way we can this June!
