Today, I Remember the Victims of the Biafran War of 1967-1970.

We dedicate this day
to the millions of lives
that were puffed into air like cigar,
during the Biafran rage

They said 'time is supposed to heal us.' But we are made sick the more
on a daily, by horrid memories of the past
and daily remainders that that which snapped the eagle's wings
lurks still in the sky
and we may not fly
again, ever

The wounds remain

In time, the mind,
in defence of faux sanity,
covers our wounds with crimson scars
to lessen the pain,
but it is never gone

The wounds remain

It is in our hearts
It is ever before our eyes
It is in the bloodshot stare of khaki men
It is in the choice of aso men

The wounds remain
