The Glory of Spring

I opened up the door this morning and did a little jig.
I smiled at the falling rain even though the drops were big.

Those drops didn't discourage me as they fell on the window pane,
before the dawn of sunshine I knew there'd be some rain

For now the barren gardens are floating in muddy gloom,
soon they'll house the buds from where the flowers bloom.

We've looked forward to a grand awakening that is happily in the works,
a burst of new life from where the bare tree limb lurks.

The snow has all melted, Jack Frost has been sent on his way,
though we thought we'd never see it we welcome Spring this day.

I saw a robin perched on the roof, perhaps scouting out a nest,
I placed shedded dog hair on the fence post, mama robin will do the rest.

Soon tiny tots on swing sets will be reaching for the sky,
filled with wonder and laughter, the magic won't pass them by.

The glory of Spring and the awakening it brings,
is the joy in the tune that the bluebird sings.

It is a chance for us to improve on the days that lie ahead,
to make sure the bounty of our blessings keep our hearts and souls well fed.

Gardener's thumbs will once again regain their color green,
while blooming shades of purple, pink, and red will reign supreme.

Spring nights are for young lover's walking hand and hand in the park,
beneath the starry skies, a chance to dance in the dark.

Every Spring season we are rewarded with this glorious gift of rebirth,
and reminded of our own new beginnings every Springtime on this earth.

Young dreams will be carried along on warm soothing breezes,
sweet recollections of life anew and all that pleases.

So, I'm enjoying the rhythm of the gentle falling rain,
it's nature's way of saying there is so much for us to gain.

These wonderful days of Spring will be bursting out in song,
a sweet melody of promise that carries our hopes along.


#Pengician #SSA

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