just when one thought one's a mess,
a stranger walks into the cabin,
falls on one's feet
and like Elisha, requests a double portion.

one wonders

a double portion of my mess?
'no!' says stranger, 'You're a positive influence'

a double portion of inferiority complex?
'You're superior', says stranger.

a double portion of what?
I have nothing to offer other than that which I lost.

but stranger would none of one's cold shoulder take
stranger points at his coat of rags
and muttered in a confident tone

'you thought you failed, sir
but you earned my respect'

just when one thought one's a mess,
a stranger walks into the cabin of self pity,
falls on one's feet,
and like Elisha, requests a double portion.

I never knew this mantle here despised
could make waters take sides

thank you stranger

#Pengician #SSA

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