When I discovered my love for writing, I was just... well, I've always been a writer. I just wanted to paint my thoughts with words and I fell deeply in love with the art of writing. The bond between my pen, my diary and myself is so amazing.

Years later, I knew I had to write, the passion I had kept me going and of course God has never ceased to amaze me with inspirational ideas, situations and all what a writer needs to keep creative juices ever flowing. He's been the real supporter behind my scribbles.

I just want to encourage somebody, whatever vision God gave you, just start it. It may feel like a child's play today, but don't ever give in to giving up.

#SSA is not there yet but it's not where it use to be. My vision is way bigger than whatever I have achieved today. 

As sun rises, I go one level higher, and at sunset, I retire with a bigger dream.

Everyday gets better.

I'm not alone in this, and so I'm grateful to every wonderful person who believe in this vision, you give me reasons to keep writing. God bless your kind hearts with Sweetness.

For a copy of Sweetness: a collection of poem, Click Here

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For YouTube Trailer of Sweetness, Click Here

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