It was three years ago I realize

that Friday nights
are not so great
And being human is nothing special
And life is just puff from god's cigar.
Oh thank God it's Friday
Another night to feel like hay.

I sit in a blue chair 
Staring at dark star dotted sky
Reflecting another world
billion light miles away...
At dawn I day dream about darkness
At dusk I howl at the moon's nakedness
And escape.

I go...home
into the woods of my mind
stepping on every grass
that comes under my soul...
The moon in there is stripped
I step out of my delusion
into yet another illusion.
I dull my mind 
With erotica
and a glass of Vodka
lest I begin to think distant thoughts
about wars and love, 
cruelties and salvation, 
damned souls, right and wrong, 
poverty, plenty, 
justice, might...
Money, power, sins, forgiveness, 
Buddha, Yahweh, Allah, nothingness.

Thank God it's Friday
My body starves for attention,
While my soul starves for peace and quiet.
Exhausted, I fall asleep on myself
Half asleep
Half awake
I blow God a good night kiss
and wonder why He cringed in pain...
Night long I stare at the ceiling
Wondering when this will all end.